This post is stream consciousness:
Today I took my art out of Color Graphics. About ten paintings had been at this lovely corporation for two years and the employees loved them, but nothing was selling. On an energetic level this relationship was really one sided. I do love that I improved the aesthetics in the office, but honestly I have gained nothing from it, except another line on my resume. So today I decided to retrieve and cut the ties. As my car needs repair, the window on the passenger side has been shattered for a year and most recently the engine light is on cannot fix it. I can hardly afford my bills on weekly basis. My monetary life seems to be oppressing my creative one. This is what I need to amend.
Also, as a human one of failings is to be walked upon or to promote others but never myself. I need to be equal to what I do for others. I remember as a tennis super star saying sorry for acing my opponent?? This is what I need to shift. I am Ok your Ok stuff...
Hence the Facebook fanpage, which feels weird. Right know it is not helping my psychological agenda because I only eight fans. Pretty dire,but kudos for me doing it.
I also thought I had a art rep but that is not really panning out. So I feeling I need to make things happen. Today I put my work on an Internet gallery site "click here" to check out. We shall see what happens. I have turned up the heat! I will search for more opportunities to share my work and to sell my work. I really need to clear my old work out so I can began a new. I really want to sell this work, but eventually I might have to give it away. I do not want to burn it like so many overly dramatic artists have.
All I really know is my Art will always be with me and it is the only thing I can ever take with me. It is the gift I can share and that is what I teach. Also at a core level I feel ART is how I will reach my greatest potential as a human being.
I am trying to make this happen--- art is life and life is art and I want to radiate my brilliance 2010 is the year!!
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