Friday, March 12, 2010

My other half-what is she thinking?

I am in amazing collaboration called "Art is Moving" with artist Lauren Odell Usher. We began our collaboration in 2008 and have had some great success. Every time we meet we think of more exciting things to create.We had a project for a year were we opened, curated, and ran a gallery with others in Oakland, called the Red Door Gallery and Collective. In that experience with a large group of people we found out how collaboration can be really dysfunctional. We also manifested the ARTcart, a community art reach project and we have our Blog. We have many different and powerful projects going at once. We both are obsessed with Art and we share the same core philosophy on ART'S function, which is service and empowerment.

Collaboration can be really hard and we have found a balance to make it work. It really is easy and fun! And I feel we are making a difference in the world of Art. The interesting thing is our own art is so different. It seems we come at things from totally different directions and meet at the same point in the middle. Like, Lauren's latest project she has made a call out for pictures of peoples living rooms. I am participating in this project the pics here are two images of my living room. I have no idea were she is going with this and I look forward to see what transpires. "Click Here to check out Lauren's latest project. Participate if interested!

1 comment:

Lauren Odell Usher Sharpton said...

Hey friend and fellow collaborator, I love the new look of the blog. Keep up the updates! And thanks for being a part of my new art project. I will hopefully collect enough images soon so I can get started. I will keep you in the loop (: