Exploration, Connection, and Co-Creation
This was an amazing day for my students at Lincoln. Those who attended were moved and had way to much fun. YES!
The Eco Art festival is composed of at least eighteen site-specific Eco-Art installations created by students and seven professional Eco-Artists. It was fantastic to work with this group of Eco artists. I had this vision almost a year ago and I am amazed at its manifestaion. I thank my co-collaborator Elizabeth Benson for all her heart and hard work in this event.
The festival began at 9:30 were students and staff discovered and explored the beautiful nature on Lincolns campus in the Oakland hills. A little more about the children and LCC where I teach below. Everyday that I work these extraordinary children my belief that art is transformative is affirmed. As the children walked and interacted with the trail I witnessed such joy and excitement as they engaged with nature through art. It was success and an opening for many to strengthen, awaken their relationship with Mother Earth.
Lincoln Centers Mission Statement and Description:
Lincoln Child Center prepares children with severe emotional problems to lead productive and fullfilling lives in the community, by providing children and their families with therapy and education in a healing environment
Lincoln Child Center provides educational, residential and community based treatment programs to children ages 5 through 14 years old, many suffering from abuse and neglect.
Each of the seven classrooms created tree Eco art
List participating artists :
Tree Shrines, Wishing Tree and Sister Circle activation by Lisa Rasmussen,
Poet Trees by elizaBeth Benson-Udom,
Nature Sanctuary by Zach Pine, MD,
Garbage Mural by Veronica Rivera,
Raincoat Tree by Lauren Usher,
Healing Arts Circle by Kelly Barrett,
Clay Earth Creatures by Nan La Torre,
Pine Cone Spiral by Joany Brody,
The event included poetry, and a drum and storytelling circle