Thursday, September 11, 2014

What is the Meaning of life? Did You Really Say Chocolate?

Day 11/30 Septembers Artathon

I say Yummy!The meaning of life is Yummy!

Siri what is the  meaning of life?

"All Evidence to Date Suggest it is Chocolate." Siri

I think Beatrice Woods would agree! 
At the age of 90, Beatrice became a writer, having been encouraged to write by her friend, Anais Nin, a French writer. Her best-known book is her autobiography, I Shock Myself (1985). When asked the secret to her longevity, she would respond, "I owe it all to chocolate and young men."


Project Description:  
For 30 days, I will ask Siri on my iphone “What is the meaning of life?”From her response I will create Kitty Bliss Art around it.

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