Friday, April 29, 2011

MOCA: Art in the Streets

On April 23, 2011 I went to go see the exhibition at MOCA: Art in the Streets in Little Tokyo in Los Angeles. I was really excited to see the exhibition. It had been getting a lot of press from The New York Times and the Huffington Post. It seemed it brewed up the age old controversy and debate of folks perceptions on what is ART and what is not ART.
As we approached MOCA the lines of people waiting to get in was off the hook. We decided to go to lunch and check out the other ART that was being created on the streets. Here is what we saw outside the doors of the museum.

The coolest thing was Little Tokyo was a mad house of people. The Sushi houses and stores were filled to the brim with folks either waiting to see the exhibition or who had just finished. Studies have shown that at art events individual people spend around $27 each. And who said Arts bring nothing to our economy? I think that was the Republicans.

JR'S eyes. I thought graphiti artists did not tag over others art? Maybe it was collaboration.

JR's great talk on Ted, I was happy to see an artist win this award.

I felt this key was placed there on purpose. What does it mean? Art?

Space Invader...

A man checking out the art.

Next I will go into the exhibition inside closed doors of museum.

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